Actually,Mr.Vice Director,I do not need to write much about myself.The reason is; when I write in the positive side of my life,I probably hurt people feelings.On the other hand,if I write in my negative side of my life,I will hurt myself!
My dear Vice Director,anyway,if you really need it I 'll try but I will be very careful not to hurt anybody and myself.
Fortunately,I was born in the big family of 7 children.I am the second son.My parents were teachers and my father later on became a school headmaster until he retired.
When I was young,I did not want to be a teacher but my father urged me to sit for the competitive test for studying in the teacher's college.Unfortunately I passed and I had no other choices.After 2 years in Ubon Teachers College,I finished and became a treacher in Surin.
When I chose the school I needed to teach,I chose the one that eligible for having extra money- the school in the remote area of Sangkha District.
I got 750 baht and an extra money of 150 baht per month.It was a big salary for me and I could save some money monthly.
I was a very good teacher because I taught 6 hours per day.I taught only English from Pratom 5-7.No other teachers liked to teach English so I taught English alone in that school for some 4 years.
During those for years,I worked really hard because I prepared the lesson plans everyday and then submitted to the headmaster for his approval.I loved teaching English eventhough I had to teach all day long and year by year.
I applied to sit for the exam to promote my position to secondary certicate teacher and to promote my salary.I passed the exams and got the higher position within 2 years.
I got 950 baht per month after two years of teaching!It was a big salary for the poor teacher like me.
I told my mom(mother) I met a lady in Lamduan , she was a teacher and I fall in love with her- I needed to marry her.My mom asked me one important thing before getting marry.She asked me to be in a monkhood for 4 months.So as soon as I finished from being the monk,I got marry with that lady.We have 3 daughters and all are grown up and they can stand on their own feet.At the moment,I have got 4 grandchildren.
My work life promoted gradually from the bottom to the high top.I am very proud to be on the top before my retirement.I got the trophy from the Ministry of Education for being the outstanding teacher and got the high decoration from the King.
I am very proud to be able to help teachers ,school diectors to teach and manage the school properly.I could help several schools in Surin to have the library buildings and the school buildings.I could help many students to get scholarships from abroad.
I love reading books.I buy new books every month.The place I go very often is the bookstores.
Thanks for those teachers who came to meet me and asked me to be their advisor in preparing their teachnical works for their position promotions.I enjoy working with them because I hope their technical works are the works that they had worked successfully with their students.
Thanks my bosses who supported me to work hard and meet technical needs of the schools.
Thanks for my friends and co-workers in the office,for their kindness,friendliness and cooperativeness.
Last but not least,keep on taking care of each other is important.I will do that if you need me!
Sincerely yours,
Chatchai Chumnum